Lions Heart Counseling
25 Cadillac Drive
Ste #132
Sacramento, CA 95825

Meditation Group: Tuesdays 6:45pm Lions Heart Counseling – Sacramento

Introducing our Meditation Group:   Tuesdays 6:45pm to 7:45pm

This group may be of great value to you recognize the role stress plays in your life and want to do something about the impact stress has on your life, wellbeing and relationships

Do You Feel Like this?

Tired  Frustrated  Lonely  Exhausted   Overwhelmed



If you do – setting time aside for daily mindfulness based stress reduction practice can make a huge difference in slowing down, feeling more in control and at peace.

Overcoming Stress and Mindfulness Class

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming Stress Reduction & Mindfulness Class

starting Tuesday September 19th at 6:45pm

The class will focus on:

  • Stress Reduction
  • Concrete meditation tools
  • An exploration of meditation techniques
  • Guided meditations and visualizations
  • Ways to calm the mind including Breath work and redirection
  • Methods to focus and train attention

We will send out periodic updates as we get closer to the start of the new Stress Reduction & Mindfulness Class on September 19th.

Commitment – 6 weekly sessions starting Tuesday September 19th at 6:45pm, group limited to 8 people.

Cost – $140 for the 6 weekly sessions, $120 for early registration by September 1st

Location – 25 Cadillac Dr #132, Sacramento CA 95825. Near Fair Oaks and Howe ave.

Get Started Today!
Call us at (844) 546-6788
to schedule a free 20 minute consultation

or for more information regarding the new Stress Reduction and Meditation Group


We Face Stress Everyday

It impacts our Emotions  Behavior  Mind  and  Body

Diagram of stress consequences


Creating an Umbrella from Stress


Creating an umbrella from the stress in our life can be liberating. Part of this process is asking ourselves some important questions:

Do we really need to always be striving and achieving?

Does everything on my list have to be accomplished today, this week this month?




What if I allow a couple pieces to fall?

How much happier could I be?

What if I say no and set some boundaries?

What if am ok with being like 92% perfect instead of 100%.

How much freedom could this create for me, for those around me?

Each Morning We Start Fresh:

with 24 Brand New Hours!


namaste small

We know we need to manage the stress in order to:

  • Be at our best
  • Enjoy our life
  • Nourish our mind and body.


But with so much activity it becomes very challenging to make time for ourselves and to focus on dealing with the stress, deadlines, and preoccupation with grasping for what we want and rejecting what we don’t!

Isn’t it worth it to set aside some time for you to be at your best?




Come Join Us Tuesdays From 6:45pm to 7:45pm for Renewal

Yoga and meditation. Silhouette of man on the mountain.


What are the Specifics?

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming Stress Reduction & Mindfulness Class

starting Tuesday July 11th at 6:45pm

The class will focus on:

  • Stress Reduction
  • Concrete meditation tools
  • An exploration of meditation techniques
  • Guided meditations and visualizations
  • Ways to calm the mind including Breath work and redirection
  • Methods to focus and train attention

We will send out periodic updates as we get closer to the start of the new Stress Reduction & Mindfulness Class on July 11th.

Commitment – 6 weekly sessions starting Tuesday July 11th at 6:45pm, group limited to 8 people.

Cost – $120 for the 6 weekly sessions

Location – 25 Cadillac Dr #132, Sacramento CA 95825. Near Fair Oaks and Howe ave.

Get Started Today!
Call us at (844) 546-6788
to schedule a free 20 minute consultation

or for more information regarding the new Stress Reduction and Meditation Group

Information provided on this site does not constitute a patient therapist relationship, and should be used under the guidance of a licensed mental health professional. Information presented on this page was written by James Meyer, LCSW Lead Counselor and founder of Lions Heart Counseling Sacramento.


3 Responses to Meditation Group: Tuesdays 6:45pm Lions Heart Counseling – Sacramento

    • Hi Matt,

      the format of the group has been changed from drop in to a 6 week class. The next class will meet in January 2018. As I am growing counseling center and expanding it has been necessary to focus my attention where it yields the most impact. Hopefully, some time next year I will be able to have another clinician rise to the challenge of teaching the meditation and stress reduction class. Thank you again for reaching out.

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